New LOVER ORGANIC CHOCOLATE website is now live!

1st October, 2019

Hi Lovers!

Welcome to our new website!!

We have changed Lover Raw Chocolate to Lover Organic Chocolate!

It's exactly the same pure and premium fairtrade superfood ingredients. We have been working very hard behind the scenes to bring an even better chocolate experience to you! I've been test batching maany (!) different beans, and doing blindfolded taster sessions, because it's an ever evolving thing, and every single ingredient affects the final bite you experience!

It's been quite a process relaunching Lover with a new production team, but once we are producing everything will flow on a whole new level. So thank you for your patience. We are so close to having our chocolate available to you again! 

In the meantime, I have some crazy good news! 

I personally designed a 100% organic eco product range of Lover T-Shirts, tote bags, magic mugs and stickers! Yes really! I will share all about these hot new items, that are in our newly launched Lover Organic Shop in my next blog. 

Our website will remain active but we are transitioning to this one, so please bookmark us <3

Love, R xo
